About Me

About Tales From Violet

Hi, I'm Violet

Welcome to Tales From Violet. I am glad you’re here.
Let me tell you a little about me.
  • I became a mother in 2009. I have three daughters: Alice(12), Amelia(9), and Adele(2).
  • Parenting is 10% frustrating but 200% fun and rewarding.
  • I grew up in Uganda (East Africa) but moved to Boston in 2006.
  • I define my life by three things; family, faith, and football (it doesn’t matter which side of the pond you come from).
  • I love taking my girls to Boston Common and Public Garden.
  • We love making Ugandan food (the American way).

The beginning

As the name suggests, I want to start you off with a short story.
One day, as I scrolled through a page on one of my favorite social media sites, I came upon a story of a woman whose marriage had recently ended.
She was hurting, stuck, helpless, lost, and had no idea what to do next. As anyone going through similar life hurdles would do, she had taken to the social media site to explain her distress to the social media world, hoping to get the much-needed help.
As you can imagine, the entire comments section filled up quickly with opinions on what the distressed woman should do next to recover from her trauma.
And again, as you can expect from any social media site, some of the comments were positive, and others, let’s say, were not so positive.
Now think about this, isn’t it strange that someone gets troubled with life to the extent that they’re even willing to ask for advice from strangers found across the internet?

Does this sound familiar?

Either way, we’ve all been there.
So, I want to ask you, how often do you find yourself in a similar situation? Perhaps it’s a financial crisis, health, life. Or, maybe it’s a relationship situation like our friend in the story above.
If your fifteen-year marriage came to a sudden end and your partner says goodbye, what does that even mean?
Think about what marriage meant to you during courtship. It’s 25 years later, and still no sign of a child. How do you come to terms with such shock?
What kind of advice would you give a 20-something-year-old girl about to go through the romantic cycle for the first time in her life?
What about that person who constantly tells you to use your brain instead of emotions. How does that even work?
What about the mother with the baggage of raising five crazy children all by herself?
When faced with such trials, what advice do you wish to hear to help you carry through?

Why I created Tales From Violet

Family Picture
It’s the reason you’re here.
You are here because you want encouragement, support, friendship, and growth.
You’re here because your life is full of problems, and you’re somehow wondering how the difficulties can be opportunities.
Maybe you want to be better in life.
Maybe you’re troubled.
Maybe you’re a parent and need an extra pair of hands.
Perhaps it’s the relationship that needs a touch.
Or, maybe, you think life sucks and don’t know what to do.
Wherever you’re in life, inside the pages of this website, there’s something for you to learn.
There’s a tonne of advice to help you fix that situation that seems complicated.
There’s a story that might change your life.

What Tales From Violet Can Do for You

By the end of your stay, I hope that you’re able to achieve one of the following;
  • Better character
  • Confidence
  • Experience
  • Self-esteem
  • Total control of your life
  • Relationships
  • Handle life
But I can’t do it alone. Join me as we create an online community so we can help others.
If you’d like to reach out, feel free to email me at [email protected]. Also, please be sure to subscribe to my blog to never miss out on new stuff. Thank you so much for making it this far.
I welcome you to my little online corner. Enjoy the journey

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